Manage all your Crypto wallets through a single app

Track your entire crypto portfolio across every wallet you own. Manage all your private keys and sign transactions in one place

Cypherock X1 vault and X1 cards
Cypherock X1 vault and X1 cards

Cypherock in the news

Security audited by Keylabs

The firm that found vulnerabilities in Ledger & Trezor hardware wallets

Read the report
Cypherock X1 vault and X1 cards
LedgerMetaMaskTrezorTrust Wallet

Supports every BIP39 compatible wallet

From Ledger & Trezor to Metamask and Trust wallet

A truly open-source multi-chain wallet

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Supported chains
Integrated tokens
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How it works


Import the seed phrases of your wallets like Metamask, Ledger or Trezor.


Select the coins across these different wallets you want to track.


View and Manage all your wallet portfolios in one place.

See how it works in details
Download the cySync Desktop App

Cypherock X1 can also be used to make wallet transactions

Cypherock X1 can also be used to make wallet transactions

Buy the best hardware wallet today
Cypherock Card